But they rebelled, and vexed his holy Spirit, Isaiah 63:10.
Regardless of whether either of those two words is capitalized or not, the two words "holy" and "spirit" only occur in tandem seven times in your King James Bible. The phrase "the Holy Spirit" as a stand alone phrase or title only occurs one time. Sometimes people object when I say that and bring up Ephesians 1:13 which says; that holy Spirit of promise.
(I know that the Sword of the Lord has published a King James Bible in which every "spirit" concerning deity is capitalized. That bible is a perfect example of the patheticness of modern day Fundamentalism. They claim to believe the bible only as long as they can change it to say what they believe.)
Please notice that ""holy" is not capitalized in Ephesians 1:13. "Holy" is not part of the title there. It is an adjective modifying the Spirit of promise. I know this comes as a shock to some who innocently call themselves King James Bible believers but who have never stopped to examine that same bible as if every single jot and tittle was perfectly inspired and has a meaning.
This of course brings us back to the need of a perfect King James Bible in which not only every word needs to be exact and perfect but each spelling, punctuation, italicization, and verse marking needs to be perfect. I'm always amazed at people who halt short of that. In a perfect king James Bible which I call the Pure Cambridge Text and Bibleprotector.com calls the Pure Cambridge Edition, "Holy Spirit' as a proper name only occurs one time.
Luke 11:13 is unique for three reasons. We have looked at the first reason, it is the only occurrence of the phrase in which those two words are in tandem as a stand alone phrase. Secondly, it is the only occurrence in which both words are capitalized. Thirdly, it is the only time in which you are told to ask for any spirit in any form.
Naturally, the Fundamentalists make this the third member of their trinity (Godhead to bible believers). "Father, Son, and Holy Spirit" they say over and over. Your King James Bible never says that. When you hear a man say that, you know that he didn't learn that out of the bible; he learned that from men either by reading behind them, or listening to them.
If the Holy Spirit is the third member of the Godhead, then the 12 disciples of John that Paul met in Acts 19:l-7 are some of the most ignorant men in the bible. They never heard that there was a Holy Ghost. How could anyone ever read the first few verses of the Book of Genesis and not know that God has a Spirit?
What they did not know and could not know was that the Godhead which clearly has more than one person speaking for it in the Old Testament has a third person who up until the New Testament, had worked silently and invisibly in the affairs of men and in giving scripture. He is called "the Holy Ghost". Men have known that God has a spirit as long as they have had scripture. That there was a Holy Ghost was a new revelation for twelve men who were disciples of John.
It really isn't that hard to call the third member of the Godhead, "the Holy Ghost". It isn't really that hard to realize that both the Father and Jehovah each have their own spirit. The LORD is revealed to be the Father of Israel in Isaiah 63. Doubtless thou art our father, though Abraham be ignorant of us, and Israel acknowledge us not: thou, O LORD, art our father, our redeemer; thy name is from everlasting, Isaiah 63:16.
His Spirit is mentioned twice in that chapter. Each time the term is modified by the adjective "holy". Why? Because his Spirit is holy and Israel has been profaning it. The same thing will occur in 1st Thessalonians 4:8; He therefore that despiseth, despiseth not man, but God, who hath also given unto us his holy Spirit. The same thing is happening here. Men who lust after other men's wives are profaning the holiness of God.
That brings us to "holy spirit". Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me, Psalms 51:11. That is a direct appeal to Jehovah and not to the Father. It is a feature of your perfectly printed King James Bible that when the Creator, Jehovah is singled out in scripture, the King James Bible distinguishes his spirit with a lower case "s".
Whether it be as Jesus Christ in the gospels or the Creator in the rest of the bible, he is assigned the lower case spirit. That is not to downgrade his importance. It is a technique unique to the King James Bible to make each person in the Godhead more easily distinguishable.
The only reason that men have not known that in prior ages is that they never understood the perfection of the King James Bible. One of the first and most prominent people to have written on the third person of the Godhead was R. A. Torrey. When you read behind him you will see that he honestly thought that the conference of clowns who brought us the Revised Version of the bible did a better job than the King James translators did. As a result, he was partially blinded.
One of the most grievous results of the new bibles is that not only is the Holy Ghost either muddled or entirely left out, but the Father himself is downgraded, and the deity of Jesus Christ is diluted. If you are a bible believer, start speaking bible. The name Holy Ghost is in your bible 90 times in 89 verses. Naturally, the devil taught people to say "Holy Spirit" which is in your bible only once and by no means in its context has anything to do with the greater more complete work of the Holy Ghost.
What is unique about Luke 11:13 is that the Spirit of the Holy Ghost (yes, he's a person; he has a Spirit.) is singled out. His spirit is a Holy Spirit. By believing that there really is a purpose from God in the interactions of capital versus lower case when dealing with both "holy' and "spirit", the Godhead is made very plain for all to see.